Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Version 3.3.2) Copyright (c) 1990-2000 University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved. For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word). ?- [talk]. % talk compiled 0.09 sec, 35,592 bytes Yes ?- main_loop. Talk to me >> shrdlu smurfs Expected a transitive verb but got smurfs If this is NOT a transitive verb, please press ENTER Please give me the inflection like this: wug wugs wugged wugged wugging -> inf, he, they, past, participle |: Ok, no transitive verb... Expected an intransitive verb but got smurfs If this is NOT an intransitive verb, please press ENTER Please give me the inflection like this: wug wugs wugged wugged wugging -> inf, he, they, past, participle |: smurf smurfs smurf smurfed smurfing Intransitive verb to smurf learned Asserted "vintrans(shrdlu, smurf)." Talk to me >> eric smurfs Expected name but got eric Enter the meaning (e.g. eric) or press ENTER to forget about it |: eric Name learned Asserted "vintrans(eric, smurf)." Talk to me >> hmpf smurfs Expected name but got hmpf Enter the meaning (e.g. hmpf) or press ENTER to forget about it |: Ok, no name... Expected a transitive verb but got hmpf If this is NOT a transitive verb, please press ENTER Please give me the inflection like this: wug wugs wugged wugged wugging -> inf, he, they, past, participle |: Ok, no transitive verb... Expected an intransitive verb but got hmpf If this is NOT an intransitive verb, please press ENTER Please give me the inflection like this: wug wugs wugged wugged wugging -> inf, he, they, past, participle |: Ok, no intransitive verb... Error: "Cannot parse this - ungrammatical?." Talk to me >> bertrand loves shrdlu Expected a transitive verb but got loves If this is NOT a transitive verb, please press ENTER Please give me the inflection like this: wug wugs wugged wugged wugging -> inf, he, they, past, participle |: love loves love loved loving Transitive verb to love learned Asserted "vtrans(bertrand, shrdlu, love)." Talk to me >> shrdlu loves bertrand Asserted "vtrans(shrdlu, bertrand, love)." Talk to me >> who smurfs eric, shrdlu. Talk to me >> who loves shrdlu bertrand. Talk to me >> eric smurfs Already knew that vintrans(eric, smurf) Sentence ignored Talk to me >> eric is a human Expected noun but got human Enter y to learn that noun or press ENTER to forget about it |: y Noun learned Asserted "noun(eric, human)." Talk to me >> terry is a human Asserted "noun(terry, human)." Talk to me >> who is a human eric, terry.