#!/usr/bin/perl -w # experiments for a virtual scrabble letter bag # rand - returns a random number [0;1[ or [0;x[ if x given, auto-seed # chr - returns char with ascii code x # ord - returns ascii of char x # pack/unpack: w (BER) feels like utf-8... u uuencode, H hex, ... # Regeln: http://www.brostedt.de/webscrabble/regeln.asp # Buchstabensatz ist also: siehe unten :-) use strict; # --------------------- configure the file locaton here ****** my $bagfile = "scrabblesack.txt"; my $errheader = "Content-type: text/plain Error: "; my $log = ""; # --------------------- configure the html template here ****** my $htmlheader = "Content-type: text/html Homepage von Eric Auer: virtueller Scrabblesack "; # --------------------- configure the fresh-bag-contents here ****** my $newbag = "aaaaaäbbccddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffggghhhhiiiiiijkk"; $newbag .= "lllmmmmnnnnnnnnnoooöpqrrrrrrsssssssttttttuuuuuu"; $newbag .= "üvwxyz.."; # contents of the bag for a new game (for German) # 5x A (1) 1x AE (6) 2x B (3) 2x C (4) 4x D (1) 15x E (1) # 2x F (4) 3x G (2) 4x H (2) 6x I (1) 1x J (6) 2x K (4) # 3x L (2) 4x M (3) 9x N (1) 3x O (2) 1x OE (8) 1x P (4) # 1x Q (10) 6x R (1) 7x S (1) 6x T (1) 6x U (1) 1x UE (6) # 1x V (6) 1x W (3) 1x X (8) 1x Y (10) 1x Z (3) 2x Joker (0) my $dutchbag = "aaaaaabbccdddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefgggghhhiiiijjkk"; $dutchbag .= "lllmmnnnnnnnnnnooooooppqrrrrrrsssttttttuu"; $dutchbag .= "vvwwxyzz.."; # Dutch Scrabble letters, values, frequency (plus 2 jokers, value 0): # a b C D e f G H i J K L m n O P Q R S T U V W x Y Z # 1 3 5 2 1 4 3 4 1 4 3 3 3 1 1 3 10 2 2 2 4 4 5 8 8 4 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 6 2 2 5 18 1 4 3 6 2 2 3 2 10 6 2 1 6 3 6 2 2 2 1 1 2 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # The - signs mark differences to the German Scrabble set above. my $ukbag = "aaaaaaaaabbccddddeeeeeeeeeeeeffggghhiiiiiiiiijk"; $ukbag .= "llllmmnnnnnnooooooooppqrrrrrrssssttttttuuuu"; $ukbag .= "vvwwxyyz.."; # English Scrabble letters, values, frequency (plus 2 jokers, value 0): # a b C D e f G H i J K L m n O P Q R S T U V W x Y Z # 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 4 1 8 5 1 3 1 1 3 10 1 1 1 1 4 4 8 4 10 # 9 2 2 4 12 2 3 2 9 1 1 4 2 6 8 2 1 6 4 6 4 2 2 1 2 1 # (from Li 9/2004 or 10/2004) # --------------------- read the command in the CGI way my $command = ""; my $var; foreach $var ('REQUEST_METHOD', 'QUERY_STRING', 'CONTENT_LENGTH', 'REMOTE_HOST', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT') { $ENV{$var} = "(none)" if (!defined($ENV{$var})); } if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "(none)" ) { print "Not called as a CGI, simulating...\n"; $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = "GET"; $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = join(' ',@ARGV); print "QUERY_STRING set to $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}\n"; } if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { $command=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};} else { read(STDIN,$command,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});} # could do @foo = split(/&/,$command); foreach $item (@foo) { # my ($key,$what)=split(/=/,$item,2); ... $bar{$key}=$what; } here $command =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $command =~ tr/ÄÖÜ/äöü/; my $answer = ""; my $who = "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} [$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}] with "; $who .= "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}"; # --------------------- read the bag from file open(BAG,"<$bagfile") || die "$errheader" . "Bag not readable\n"; $/ = undef; # ignore line breaks while reading my $bagdump = ; # read the bag close(BAG); # --------------------- load and decode the bag $bagdump = "0 64" unless $bagdump =~ /^[0-9 ]+$/; # handle errors my ($bagkey,@bagparts) = split(/ /,$bagdump); # fetch the key my $that; my $bag = ""; $log .= "Key($bagkey)"; foreach $that (@bagparts) { my $onechar = "" . (chr($that) ^ chr($bagkey)); # decode the bag # Stupid... ^ only works right for chars, not for numbers!?!? if ($onechar =~ /[a-zäöü.]/) { $log .= " Decode($that = " . $onechar . ")"; $bag .= $onechar; } else { $log .= " Invalid($that ^ $bagkey = " . ord($onechar) . " ($onechar))"; } } $log .= "\nBagRead($bag)\n\n"; $bagkey = int(rand(256)); # new key for the next save # --------------------- reset the bag if needed or requested my $oldbagsize = length($bag); if ( ($oldbagsize == 0) && ($command =~ /^[1-9]$/) ) { $bag = $newbag; # fill up empty bag to start new game $answer = "Starting with a new bag, old was empty...
\n"; $log .= "\nNewBag($bag)\n"; } if ($command =~ /^[*]$/) { $bag = $newbag; # fill up empty bag to start new game $answer = "Cheatcode *: Refilling bag with German letter set!
\n"; } if ($command =~ /^[!]$/) { $bag = $dutchbag; # fill up empty bag to start new game $answer = "Cheatcode !: Refilling bag with Dutch letter set!
\n"; } if ($command =~ /^[?]$/) { $bag = $ukbag; # fill up empty bag to start new game $answer = "Cheatcode ?: Refilling bag with English letter set!
\n"; } my $bagsize = length($bag); # --------------------- fetch from bag if ($command =~ /^[1-9]$/) { # fetch N random bag elements # $command = ord($command) - ord('0'); if ($command > $bagsize) { $answer .= "You got only the following $bagsize items: "; $answer .= "\n
(not $command, the bag was too empty)
\n"; $command = $bagsize; } else { $answer .= "You got the following $command items: "; } my @bagarray = split(//,$bag); $answer .= "
"; for (1 .. $command) { my @gotten = splice( @bagarray, int(rand($bagsize)), 1 ); # splice 1 element out at random position and return it $answer .= join(' ',@gotten) . " "; $bagsize--; $bag = join('',@bagarray); } $answer .= "
"; } # $bagsize = length($bag); # --------------------- fill the bag if ($command =~ /^[a-zäöü.]+$/) { # put the listed chars into the bag $bag .= $command; $answer .= "Your choice $command has been added to the bag"; $bagsize = length($bag); } # --------------------- complain about all other commands if ($command =~ /[^a-z1-9äöü.*!?]/) { $answer .= "\nCommand ignored. Must be a number or letters\n"; $answer .= "Letters: a-z äöü and . (for joker).\n"; $answer .= "Number: 1-9\n"; $answer .= "(Or cheatcode * or ! or ? for German or Dutch or English refill!)\n"; } if (length($command) < 1) { $answer .= "\nNo command given. Just showing bag status.\n"; } # --------------------- write the new version of the bag: open(BAG,">$bagfile") || print "$errheader" . "Bag not writeable!!! CONTENTS COULD NOT BE UPDATED!\n"; print BAG "$bagkey" || print "$errheader" . "Could not write bag key:\n$bagkey\n"; my $codebag = ""; $log .= "Written($bagkey)\n"; if ($bagsize > 0) { foreach $that (split(//,$bag)) { $codebag .= " " . ( ord($that ^ chr($bagkey)) ) # encode the bag # Strange: ^ works better for chars than for numbers!? } print BAG "$codebag" || print "$errheader" . "Could not write bag letters:\n$codebag\n"; } $log .= "Written($codebag)\n"; close(BAG); # --------------------- output the results to the user: print $htmlheader; print "

Erics virtual Scrabble bag:
\n$answer\n"; print "
old size: $oldbagsize new size: $bagsize

\n"; # for debugging: # print "

Current bag contents:

\n"; print "

Current bag contents, encoding key $bagkey:
\n"; print "$codebag

\n"; print "

This transaction is done for:

\n"; print "

" . "Regeln bei Brostedts Web-Scrabble

\n"; print "

" . "Kurzübersicht Brett und Buchstabenvorrat

\n"; print "
Buchstabenvorrat zu Spielbeginn:
5x A (1)   1x Ä (6)   2x B (3)   2x C (4)   4x D (1)  15x E (1)
2x F (4)   3x G (2)   4x H (2)   6x I (1)   1x J (6)   2x K (4)
3x L (2)   4x M (3)   9x N (1)   3x O (2)   1x Ö (8)   1x P (4)
1x Q (10)  6x R (1)   7x S (1)   6x T (1)   6x U (1)   1x Ü (6)
1x V (6)   1x W (3)   1x X (8)   1x Y (10)  1x Z (3)   2x Joker (0)

Dutch Scrabble letters, values, frequency (plus 2 jokers, value 0):
a b C D e   f G H i J   K L m n   O P Q  R   S T U V   W x Y Z
1 3 5 2 1   4 3 4 1 4   3 3 3 1   1 3 10 2   2 2 4 4   5 8 8 4  (value)
6 2 2 5 18  1 4 3 6 2   2 3 2 10  6 2  1 6   3 6 2 2   2 1 1 2  (frequency)

English Scrabble letters, values, frequency (plus 2 jokers, value 0):
a b C D e   f G H i J   K L m n   O P Q  R   S T U V   W x Y Z
1 3 3 2 1   4 2 4 1 8   5 1 3 1   1 3 10 1   1 1 1 4   4 8 4 10 (value)
9 2 2 4 12  2 3 2 9 1   1 4 2 6   8 2  1 6   4 6 4 2   2 1 2 1  (frequency)
Fetch 4 letters: scrabblesack.cgi?4
Put an a, two e and a Joker back: scrabblesack.cgi?a.ee
Check the contents: scrabblesack.cgi
Refill, start a new German game: scrabblesack.cgi?*
Refill, start a new Dutch game: scrabblesack.cgi?!
Refill, start a new English game: scrabblesack.cgi??
\n"; # *** print "
DEBUG LOG:\n$log\n
\n"; print "\n\n\n";